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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


If you are a YouTube subscriber reading this, which you're probably not, I just wanted to say I'm discouraged. Very discouraged. Not just with YouTube, but with a lot in life right now. But I'll start with YouTube. So I am blessed to say I have almost 200 subs in less than a year, two of those people are the infamous Andreaschoice and Heather123. That's amazingly awesome. But the rest of you?? I never get any feedback anymore. I used to get a little feedback. Just a little, but now none. Do you not like what I'm doing? am I intimidating? what? Now I only get feedback when someone else is featured in my videos. Sigh. Lord knows I'm not jealous, but it's a little disheartening. A lot of people are grimy users. People act like they'll become rich and famous on YouTube so they smile in your face and stab you in your back. Like seriously, I know you might gain some benefits. But really? Go that low over a free item or two? And now I've received an incredible amount of haters. Just plain evil people. People calling me a nigger and black monkey and ugly dog... All over a simply uploaded video. Another sigh. Don't get me wrong. I love doing my videos, for some reason, it's almost therapeutic. But it just doesn't seem like anyone else loves what I'm doing. I have plenty of friends who know about my channel but they haven't and won't subscribe. True friends right?  Another frustration is Twitter. I made my Twitter thinking I could find yet Another way to communicate with you all, and almost ALL I get, is very rude and hurtful things said to me. (not from my subscribers though). Just yesterday alone, about 30 people took the time out to tell me I look like Courage the Cowardly dog, and my "weave" looks like a mop... Those were some of the nicer things said. But when I say, hey guys which video would you rather see, hauls, fashion, or tutorials? Guess what I hear? *cue cricket noise* Nothing. A third sigh. How do I know what you all want? My last frustration, Camera issues. I know you guys, that airblowing noise is annoying as heck! But I can't do anything about it. My camera quality is average but not good enough. And I can't afford a better camera, because of other financial things I have to take care of. Life was so much easier in high school. So I try to do pictorials, but I guess I failed miserably. I see why now. What was I thinking with those colors? I'll give it one more shot with neutrals, then if that's unsuccessful, I vow to never upload one again. But yeah I was gonna say other problems besides YouTube but I think I've gone on enough. I am passionate about this, but if I don't get any feedback, is this my sign that I just stop? That I'm not cut out for this? *final sigh* until somebody tells me I horribly suck and 50 people thumb it up, I guess I'll keep trying. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you feel that way... but that should just make you want to keep on going. Don't live based off of peoples ignorant opinions.You are a very beautiful person inside and out! As long as you know that, then people will START to notice it too. My advice to you is just be yourself, but at the same time, know your audience. Let people know you are confident within yourself and without yourself LOL...CONFIDENCE is the best beauty in the world annd the best part about it is it's FREE!! So just keep doing you hun. You know they called Eddie Murphy ugly all the time in school, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Tyra Banks, Whitney Houston, Victoria Beckham,Michelle Pfeiffer, just to name a few, but look at them now! So look at these hater comments as compliments..!! LOL. They are all just here to make us better. I was also teased in school as well for things I couldn't even help, but I look back at it now and I say " I love you too haters!!"LOL So keep you head up girl!!
